Spare Parts

When it comes to ride-on cars, having spare parts on hand is essential for maintaining and prolonging the life of these fun vehicles. Spare parts for ride-on cars are now readily available, ensuring that you can easily replace worn-out or damaged components. From wheels and tires to batteries, motors, and even small accessories like headlights and steering wheels, these spare parts allow you to keep your ride-on car in top shape. Whether it's a power wheel, electric car, or pedal-driven vehicle, having spare parts handy ensures that your child's playtime remains uninterrupted and enjoyable. With easy access to spare parts, you can quickly fix any issues and keep the fun rolling for your little driver.
$49.99 CAD
$89.99 CAD $119.99 CAD
$119.99 CAD $149.99 CAD
$49.99 CAD
$49.99 CAD
$59.99 CAD
$59.99 CAD $89.99 CAD